
Showing posts from March, 2014

Interview questions on MS CRM

What is PrinciplalObjectAccess table why is it used?   The POA table is used to provide access to specific records for CRM users, and each record in the POA table represents one CRM object that is    related to one CRM user.  Records created in the POA table come from one of four ways:   ·           Share reassigned records with original owner:  CRM System Settings o      If this is set to Yes, then records would be added to the POA table whenever an assign takes place.  These records will have a value in the AccessRightsMask colum of the POA table. ·           Direct sharing:  Actions – Sharing  o      When users explicitly share a record to another user, a record would be created in the POA table.  These records will have a value in the AccessRightsMask colum of the POA table. ·           Reparent Setting:  Relationship Behavior o      Each entity has relationships with other entities (ex. Account to Case).  By default, the Reparent option is set to Cascade All.  With t

Change MSCRM 2013 form header using javascript

Hi every one, you will get form subject field values as a header in Lead form. you can replace it with the topic or any other field value by using below code snippet. copy and paste the below code in page load of Lead entity. function changeHeaderName() {     //var type = Xrm.Page.ui.getFormType();     if (Xrm.Page.ui.getFormType() != "1") {         try {             var topic = Xrm.Page.getAttribute('subject').getValue();             //alert(document.getElementById('FormTitle').innerHTML);             var formElement = document.getElementById('FormTitle');             var h1Element = formElement.getElementsByTagName('h1');             h1Element[0].innerText = topic;         } catch (e) {         }           } } Regards, Bangar Raju Sunkari