
Showing posts from February, 2020

Disabling the Lookup View Picker in D365 UCI using Java Script

In previous version of CRM disableViewPciker=1 is working , now it is deprecated in UCI and will not work any more. Below is the syntax to achieve it. var lookupParameters = {};        var viewIdList = [ "View GUID 1" , " View GUID 2" , "View GUID 3" ] //Here you can give atleast one view ID        lookupParameters.disableMru = true ; //Disable Most Recent Items        lookupParameters.viewIds = viewIdList;               Xrm.Utility.lookupObjects(lookupParameters).then( function (selectedItems) {              //your logic        }, null ); Here in the above code, you still be able to see “Change View” button , but when you click on it it will display only views what we have added it that array.