Useful tips in MSCRM javascripts

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 - JavaScript Development
There is a very handy JavaScript development cheat sheet available for Dynamics CRM 2011. It is by Daniel Cai, a Microsoft Dynamics CRM MVP. I always refer to this cheat sheet's PDF whenever I need help in the new CRM 2011 JavaScript model. Thanks to Daniel for a wonderful thought!

You can download this PDF from his blog:

I am just displaying all the methods, in my blog, so that they are easy to search from any search engine.

Xrm.Page.context Methods
·                     getAuthenticationHeader: Returns the encoded SOAP header for MSCRM 4.0 style Web service calls
·                     getCurrentTheme: Returns the current user’s Outlook theme
·                     getOrgLcid: Returns the LCID value for the base language of the organization
·                     getOrgUniqueName: Returns the unique organizations name
·                     getQueryStringParameters: Returns an array of key-value pairs representing the query strings
·                     getServerUrl: Returns the base server URL
·                     getUserId: Returns the current user’s SystemUser id
·                     getUserLcid: Returns the LCID value representing the user’s preferred language
·                     getUserRoles: Returns an array of GUID values of the security roles the user is associated with
·                     isOutlookClient: Returns a Boolean value indicating if the user is using Outlook client
·                     isOutlookOnline: Returns a Boolean value indicating if the user is connected to the server while using MSCRM for Outlook with Offline Access
·                     prependOrgName: Prepends the organization name to the specified path attribute Methods 
·                     addOnChange: (Applicable: All) Sets a function to be called when the value is changed
·                     fireOnChange: (Applicable: All) Causes the OnChange event to occur on the attribute
·                     getAttributeType: (Applicable: All) Returns the type of attribute (string)
·                     getFormat: (Applicable: All) Returns formatting options for the attribute (string)
·                     getInitialValue: (Applicable: boolean, optionset) Returns the initial value for Boolean or optionset attributes
·                     getIsDirty: (Applicable: All) Returns a Boolean value indicating if there are unsaved changes to the attribute value.
·                     getMax: (Applicable: money, decimal, integer, double) Returns the maximum allowed value for an attribute (number)
·                     getMaxLength: (Applicable: string, memo) Returns the maximum length of an attribute (number)
·                     getMin: (Applicable: money, decimal, integer, double) Returns the minimum allowed value for an attribute (number)
·                     getName: (Applicable: All) Returns the logical name of the attribute
·                     getOption: (Applicable: optionset) Returns an option object by matching its name
·                     getOptions: (Applicable: optionset) Returns an array of options for an optionset attribute
·                     getParent: (Applicable: All) Returns the parent object to the attribute
·                     getPrecision: (Applicable: money, decimal, double, integer) Returns the number of digits allowed after the decimal point
·                     getRequiredLevel: (Applicable: All) Returns a string indicating whether the attribute is required or recommended
·                     getSelectedOption: (Applicable: optionset) Returns the option selected in an optionset attribute.
·                     getSubmitMode: (Applicable: All) Returns a string indicating if the attribute will be submitted when the record is saved
·                     getText: (Applicable: optionset) Returns the selected option for an optionset attribute
·                     getUserPrivilege: (Applicable: All) Returns an array of Boolean values indicating if the user can create/read/update an attribute's values
·                     getValue: (Applicable: All) Retrieves the data value for an attribute
·                     removeOnChange: (Applicable: All) Removes a function from the OnChange event handler
·                     setRequiredLevel: (Applicable: All) Sets whether the attribute is required or recommended
·                     setSubmitMode: (Applicable: All) Sets whether the attribute’s data will be submitted
·                     setValue: (Applicable: All) Sets the data value for an attribute.
Form Event Handler Execution Context Reference 
·                     getContext: Returns the Xrm.Page.context object
·                     getDepth: Returns a value indicating the order in which this handler is executed
·                     getEventArgs: Returns an object with methods to manage the Save event
·                     getEventSource: Returns a reference to the object that the event occurred on
·                     getSharedVariable: Retrieves a variable set using setSharedVariable
·                     setSharedVariable: Sets the value of a variable to be used by a hander after the current handler completes
Xrm.Page.ui control methods
·                     addCustomView: (Lookup) Adds a new view for the lookup dialog
·                     addOption: (Option Set) Adds an option to an Option set control
·                     clearOptions: (Option Set) Clears all options for an Option Set control
·                     getAttribute: (Standard, Lookup, Option Set) Returns the attribute that the control is bound to
·                     getControlType: (All) Returns a value that categorizes controls
·                     getData: (Silverlight Web resources) Returns the data query string parameter passed to a Silverlight Web resource
·                     getDefaultView: (Lookup) Returns the ID value of the default lookup dialog view
·                     getDisabled: (All) Returns a value indicating whether the control is disabled
·                     getLabel: (All) Returns the label for the control
·                     getName: (All) Returns the name assigned to the control.
·                     getParent: (All) Returns a reference to the section object that contains the control.
·                     getSrc: (IFrame, Web Resource) Returns the current URL being displayed in an IFRAME.
·                     getInitialUrl: (IFrame) Returns the default URL of an IFrame control
·                     getObject: (IFrame, Web resource) Returns the object in the form representing an IFrame or Web resource
·                     getVisible: (All) Returns a value indicating if the control is visible
·                     refresh: (SubGrid) Refreshes the data displayed in a Sub-Grid
·                     removeOption: (Option Sets) Removes an option from an Option Set control
·                     setData: (Silverlight Web resources) Sets the data query string parameter passed to a Silverlight Web resource.
·                     setDefaultView: (Lookup) Sets the default view for the lookup dialog
·                     setDisabled: (All except Web Resources) Sets a value indicating whether the control is disabled.
·                     setFocus: (All) Sets the focus on the control.
·                     setLabel: (All) Sets the label for the control.
·                     setSrc: (IFrame and Web Resource) Sets the URL to be displayed in an IFrame.
·                     setVisible: (All) Sets a value indicating if the control is visible Methods 
·                     addOnSave: Sets a function to be called when the record is saved
·                     getDataXml: Returns the xml string to be sent to the server when the record is saved
·                     getEntityName: Returns the logical name of the entity for the record
·                     getId: Returns GUID id value for the record
·                     getIsDirty: Returns a Boolean value indicating if any fields in the form have been modified
·                     removeOnSave: Removes a function from the OnSave event hander
·                     save: Saves the record
Xrm.Page.ui Methods
·                     close: Closes the form.
·                     getCurrentControl: Returns the control that currently has focus
·                     getFormType: Indicates the form context for the record
·                     getViewPortHeight: Returns the height of the viewport in pixels
·                     getViewPortWidth: Returns the width of the viewport in pixels
·                     refreshRibbon: Causes the ribbon to refresh
Xrm.Page.ui.controls Collection Methods
·                     forEach: Applies the action contained within a delegate function
·                     get: Returns one or more controls
·                     getLength: Returns the number of controls in the collection.
Xrm.Page.ui.navigation.items Collection Methods
·                     forEach: Applies the action contained within a delegate function
·                     get: Returns one or more navigation items
·                     getLength: Returns the number of navigation items in the collection.
Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector members
·                     items: (Collection) A collection of all accessible form items
·                     getCurrentItem: (Method) Returns the form currently being shown.
Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector.items Collection Methods
·                     forEach: Applies the action contained within a delegate function.
·                     get: Returns one or more roleForms
·                     getLength: Returns the number of roleForms in the collection.
Xrm.Page.ui.tabs Collection Methods
·                     forEach: Applies the action contained within a delegate function
·                     get: Returns one or more tabs
·                     getLength: Returns the number of tabs in the collection. Collection Methods
·                     forEach: Applies the action contained within a delegate function
·                     get: Returns one or more attributes
·                     getLength: Returns the number of items in the collection.
Shortcut methods
·                     Xrm.Page.getAttribute:
·                     Xrm.Page.getControl: Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get
·                     GetGlobalContext (Web Resources): Xrm.Page.context (within forms)

I hope this blog about 'Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 - JavaScript Development' was informative. Please feel free to leave your comments.


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