AI for Market Insights feature in Dynamics 365

Now a days each IT Industry have been doing their job very much simpler by intruding automatic systems in it. Microsoft is the one who regularly introducing new changes to the existing technologies.

Why Microsoft is intruding new feature in existing technologies frequently. Not at all good.

Most of the people think like that only, because they need to learn it and implement as well.
Don’t think like that.

Every company is trying to get more and more clients by showing rich content or lot of features with in a small amount of time. So “AI for Market Insights” is an app introduced in Dynamics 365, which will helpful for marketing people to showcase a demo in an easy manner. It also shows do the sync between social media like Facebook, twitter, YouTube, Instagram.

Here we will see a new feature “Market Insights” which is newly introduced in Dynamics 365. I think no need to give complete overview on how it works. You can refer below link for detail documentation.

Now we will see how we can integrate with Dynamics 365 in details.
1.       Login to Dynamics 365 account.
2.       Go to click on Start Preview

3.       Provide Dynamics 365 username. You need to have System Administrator security role.

4.       If you have already registered, then following screen will appear.

5.       Once everything is set up then you will be redirected to respective Market Insight Preview page.

6.       Click on the Menu. It will be display available items.

7.       Before we going further, we need to create a connection for Dynamics 365. Click on main menu and select settings. Under CONNECTIONS tab click on Microsoft Dynamics 365, provide URL, user name and password.

8.       In order to view any graph in the system, we need to first setup the environment. Click on Search Setup menu item. Click on Category + button under SEARCH SETUP SUMMARY tab. Provide Name under CATEGORY DETAILS tab. Basically it will search all the posts related to search filter criteria. Click on Save button .

9.       Click on the newly created category, click on SEARCH TOPICS Under CATEGORY DETAILS tab. We can add multiple search topics. Here we are trying to get posts/comments from Facebook page. So we need to authenticate Facebook by providing username and password. No need of provide any extra privileges in Facebook page settings.

10.   Once you click on you click on Facebook page rule, then it will page name or page URL. Provide the URL and save it.
11.   Click on Analytics from main menu. There is any option to filter only category filter from the drop-down list else we can select All Search Topics it will display all category(whatever we configured . ex: Twitter, FB , YouTube etc.) graphs.

12.   It will display all positive and negative sentiments based on the comment words on the page.

13.   Now click on Social Center from main menu. Click on + ADD STREAM button to add our Face book tab to see all the posts and comments.
14.   Here my page name is Dynamics 365 Social Profile. Search for it on face book and give a comment or post something.

15.   One you enter any coment on page it will create a record in Market Insights and shows some notification icon as shown below.
Note: it will take some time(max 10 min) to sync data from Face book to Market insights.

16.   It will show record as below.

17.   Now we need to make an Automatic rule creation( )for record creation in Dynamics 365. Here in this example I am simply creating a Case record in Dynamics 365.


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